What a crazy year! I don't even know where to begin so I'll just dive in
headfirst with TODAY-8/6/2010, exactly sixteen years ago TODAY,
I became a mother for the first time.
Sean is "sweet sixteen", a six-foot-one-spiritual-giant (cheesy?? maybe--but true), and probably the best oldest kid a mother could ask for. I have truly grown to appreciate Sean even more over this past year as he has helped tremendously to keep the family running smoothly.
After an unexpected job loss for Rob, I found myself turning a small part-time gig at my favorite fashion retailer into a full-blown 50 hour a week career. Having been a stay-at-home, work-from-home Mom for the previous 15 years, this brought on a slough of changes and challenges too numerous to list. I could never be able to explain how much I have missed "all of you" --you bloggers, designers, photographers, cooks, friends and family out in cyberspace whom I have loved sharing with in so many ways over the years. I have decided that after almost a full year (my hire date anniversary is August 21st) of full-time employment outside the home, it's time for me to take a stab at blogging again. I have missed it too much-especially my camera and my kitchen-to stay away any longer.
Work has been enlightening for me. I received my first promotion in June and am now working as an appointment based personal stylist. I love meeting new people and building relationships while also helping others put a little flair into their wardrobes. It's not AS creative as designing my own line but I am enjoying it tremendously and it has helped to make this past year more bearable. I am so happy to say that Rob has a really good new job, and when I say new I mean like still in training new.
The kids have been enjoying a different kind of summer with both Mom and Dad working full-time but I am happy to say they are enjoying themselves and growing in ways that make me feel really proud. No, the house doesn't stay as clean as it used to and we are eating a lot more take-out and frozen stuff I swore I'd never buy but we are happy. Last night, I heard Chloe holler down the stairs to Sean "the oven's preheated now--the beeper just went off to say so!" Sean jumped up from the computer to traipse up the stairs and put some frozen who-knows-whats into the oven for the 3 kids. It's silly I know, but I felt proud knowing that they are fending well for themselves when they need to and even know how to PREHEAT the oven ;)
Don't worry Mom! Things around here haven't gone completely processed or drive-thru. I am still taking time to whip up lots of culinary delights. I typically spend my day off cooking something to share at work. Over the past 8 months, my co-workers have enjoyed: dozens of homemade cookies, fresh peach pies, lemon cake, swiss chocolate ganache cake, lasagna, chocolate covered marshmallow eggs...you know... the kinds of things I love to make and then share.
I just have never had the time or the organizational skills to whip out the camera and the computer all at the same time to blog any of it. I will try to be better-I truly need to. I am so sad to admit that when I picked up my camera this morning to take pictures of Sean, it was covered with dust and my memory card revealed that the last pictures I even shot was back in March!
I'm heading back to the kitchen now. Sean said his perfect birthday would include some stir-fried steak, vegetables and rice and a fresh peach pie. I say his perfect birthday includes me having the day OFF with Rob being happy at work in his new job so I can make the meal happen.
I never would have guessed I could be able to a have a day off, do some cooking, take a few pictures and blog the day as well. Today is truly a sweet sixteen.
Stay sweet,