When you're an artistic person, you just can't help but fall head over heels in love sometimes with things like colors, shapes, silhouettes, and in my case today...a FABRIC... that has it all! Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I can't quite explain how deeply in love I am with this incredible print by Tina Givens. I have often sat in bed at night wishing for a fabric in this exact color scheme. I didn't even bother to take the dream as far as being picky about the shapes or graphic designs on it; I just wanted these colors. I'm happy to say, I got it all when this fabric arrived in the mailbox and I could not wait to design a creation for LimeVine's latest launch:
Vintage Aqua and tomato pinkish red?!! Talk about yesteryear yet so now yummy! This vibrant color scheme "euro- inspired" me to create this new shirred bubble tank design. You can check out the appliqué jeans and peasant blouse here. Thanks for taking a look-see and thank you Miss Tina for being so artistically on my wishful wavelength. I think I need to buy more of this lovely fabric by the bolt baby! Cross your fingers for me that I'll get to meet this wonderful textile designer when I go to Market in Portland in a few weeks.
And, just to keep you smiling, I thought I'd share a little of what I do to keep Chloe engaged during our long photos shoots (I'm not gonna lie-she was a wee bit cold during this one). Whenever I see her starting to fade (or freeze) on me, I ask her to give me to the goofiest, angriest and/or saddest face she can muster. Here's goofy from yesterday...enjoy sweet readers!